Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Have you ever been so busy that you're wondering how you're able to keep it all together? Yeah, just insanely busy with things all over... but Izzy & MIL are on a family reunion road trip so... BOYS WEEKEND!!! Of course that means just me... and the pets... and half the time I'll be doing a show... and the other half I'll be at work as its basically the busiest few months... so yeah, here are a few movies I saw... September 21 – Creature of Black Lake (1978) Two guys check out the town of Oil City in search of the elusive creature of Black Lake (where I’d question whether the water is livable being Oil City adjacent) and hijinx ensue when they get information from some of the locals… okay, standard Sasquatch movie… with DEAN CUNDEY AS THE DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, just look him up if you don’t know) but I guess we all have to start somewhere. This movie seemed on the gore level of a TV movie… but more fun than most. The two guys were at least weird & having a little fun… Rating – 8/10 – If you’re going to show somebody a Sasquatch movie without gore… this may be the one September 23 – The Wickedest Witch (1989) So apparently this 30-minute TV special aired once & was instantly forgotten… until Izzy was reminded about it. Basically Golden Girl Rue McClanahan plays a witch that has been banished to an underground world that’s like a spoopy version of Fraggle Rock… with these puppet demon creature the Greevils… and after 600 years or whatever, she realizes that to escape all she needs to do is convince an innocent child to do one despicable deed… and hijinx ens… okay, not really, it’s only 30 minutes & spoilers, she ends up still trapped playing bingo with cloth demons. This one was… somehow even kinda boring in a 30-minute format… but hey, I like just about anything with puppets & Burgess Meredith recorded his narration in about 7 minutes I assume… Rating – 5/10 – It’s on YouTube if you want to check it out… but please don’t spend any money on it September 25 – Snowbeast (1977) Jaws but at a ski resort… that’s basically the movie. It’s the Winter Festival… but random blondes are being killed in the woods by a mysterious creature (definitely not a sasquatch) & hijinx ensue when a fearsome foursome of heroes featuring a former Olympic skier (Bo Svenson), his reporter wife, the sheriff & the resort’s GM are sent out after the snowy beast. So… this was a TV movie in the late 70’s and you can tell watching it… but is it the worst thing ever? Rating – 6/10 – Not really… it’s just kind of meh… and there’s no violence so horror fans will be mad… and no plot so movie purists will be too That's about all I got this week... so until next time, true believers!!! Steve
Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Yet another busy week... they seem to keep on coming... but we got a few movies in... September 13 – The Mummy (1999) The remake of the Universal Monster flick… and showing off perhaps the sexiest cast in cinema history with prime Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, Arnold Vosloo, Omed Fehr & more… but yeah, inexplicable curse to give a disgraced priest unimaginable power just so that he could suffer for all eternity in a sarcophagus… but then somebody opens it & hijinx ensue. If you haven’t seen this movie, you’re under 20 is showing… but yeah… it’s great! Rating – 10+/10 – One of the better examples of 90’s action comedies that’re just awesome & fun to watch… September 15 – The Immortal (2001) So… we’re almost finished with 5 seasons of “Renegade” (more on that later) but we noticed on Tubi that there’s a 2001 series that lasted one season where “Renegade” star Lorenzo Lamas is an immortal who goes around killing demons with a sword for all eternity… yup, it’s basically Highlander… but even more convoluted somehow, cheaper, poorly written & Lorenzo is no Adrian Paul. We made it through all 22 episodes of the Adrian Paul follow-up “Tracker” but we REALLY had to force ourself to finish one episode of this one… Rating – 2/10 – Potentially the lowest thing I’ve scored on this thing… it was just horrible… and it was the PILOT!!! September 17 – Night of the Demon (1980) A school field trip on the search for sasquatch leads deep into the woods to interview witnesses & local legends… but hijinx ensue when the local murders and disappearances start to be recounted by the professor… and yeah, this is the basic sasquatch movie format as a slasher… but the kills are actually pretty fun & legit… and the movie is really good… and then in the 3rd act, things take a dark turn… but does it affect the movie?!? Rating - ???/10 – Find out during Squatchtember on Everything I Learned From Movies September 19 – The Best of Times (1986) Kurt Russell & Robin Williams are two guys who played high school football 15 years ago in the dusty ass town of Taft outside Bakersfield… and Robin Williams is having some issues with people walking all over him… so he has the idea to get the old team back together to finally beat their rival Bakersfield for the first time in town history… and hijinx ensue. Look, that’s a bad summation… but the movie is actually pretty funny. Is the premise a little… juvenile? Absolutely! However, keep in mind… Robin Williams is your lead… and Kurt Russell is in his BTILC days… Rating – 9/10 – Lots of fun… and we got to ask Drew of Reel Feels about Taft and… apparently this movie is pretty accurate Join us at Harvest Moon Festival on Ogden's Historic 25th Street this Saturday!!! Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Yup, more shenanigans as we have five shows in four days this weekend... but looking forward to it... but here are some movies that we squeezed in... September 6 – The Replacements (2000) Shane Falco! Yes, the sports comedy loosely based on the NFL-strike season of 1982 where the regular players are on strike, so they hire a motley crew of scabs to play the last few weeks of the season (so fans can’t ask for their money back) and Keanu Reeves stars as the down-on-his-luck quarterback who gets one last chance from old school coach Gene Hackman! Is this the greatest football movie ever made? No, that’s Any Given Sunday… Greatest sports comedy ever made? No, that’s Baseketball… Does this movie make me happy every time that I watch it because of how insanely dumb it is at some times, yet still pretty heartwarming in its nonsense? Absolutely! Rating – 10/10 – Orlando Jones always puts Izzy in the mood… September 8 – The Lost Boys (1987) Single mom with two teenage kids from Phoenix move to the weird coastal city of Santa Carla (definitely not Santa Cruz or Santa Clara) which is apparently the Murder Capital of the World? Why would that be? VAMPIRES!!! Hijinx ensue… now… this movie is so 80’s it hurts. Director Joel Schumacher has a style… and it’s on full display in this weird, creepy movie… but it also has a fun side with teenagers trying to figure out how to kill vampires… and just sitcom level shenanigans… and yeah, it’s just a dumb fun time. 9/10 – If you haven’t seen it, you’ll either love it or not… and I can see both sides… not for everybody… and a little full of itself at times September 9 – The Cutting Edge (1992) So I remember watching this a few times as a kid (I assume my mom LOVED it or something) and it was harmless… pretentious uppity figure skater (Moira Kelly) & has-been loudmouth hockey player (DB Sweeney) are paired up to bring USA some Olympic gold on a few months training… and hijinx ensue. Yeah, it’s a romantic-comedy… though some choices made are just… you know, rom-com choices for plot prolongment… and I love that the American skating coach is an English guy doing a Russian accent… and I kept waiting for the dad (played by the Stepfather himself, Terry O’Quinn) to turn dastardly evil instead of just distant WASP mourning his dead wife through his princess daughter… but yeah, not a bad little flick. One fun fact I found out: Moira Kelly broke her ankle or something making this movie… and it kept her from being the little sister in “A League of Their Own” so Lori Petty stepped in… but Moira instead became the voice of Nala in The Lion King… and Lori Petty, I don’t know… was Tank Girl!!! Alternate universe: Moira Kelly as Tank Girl?!? You’re right… she’s more the Naomi Watts role in Tank Girl… Rating – 8/10 – Not bad for a rom-com but now I want to watch Tank Girl… September 11 – Street Fighter (1993) Loosely based on THE fighting video game but… really it’s just a weird mish-mosh war movie with Jean Claude Van Damme as a blonde general leading the Allied Nations (not the UN) army against the warlord M. Bison (Raul Julia who’s amazing as always) in the country of Shadowloo… and hijinx ensue. So many characters that get just a few minutes of screentime… JCVD is in full cokehead mode… Kylie Minogue & Ming Na Wen are fine as hell… PG-13 nonsense… Captain Sawada for some reason… yeah, I think you know where this is going… Rating – 10/10 – RAUL JULIA WAS GONE TOO SOON!!! HE’D STILL BE DOING NIC CAGE LEVEL PERFORMANCES IF HE WERE STILL AROUND!!! Have a great weekend & come on out and see us if you're in Eden, Ogden, Draper, or back in Eden again!!! We're EVERYWHERE (in Northern Utah)!!! Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Still busy busy but doing what we can to make it one day at a time... including watching movies... August 30 – Best of the Best (1989) The United States is creating a Tae Kwon Do team for the big tournament against South Korea (which is like going against China in Table Tennis) so they bring in the ultimate coach (James Earl Jones) and compose a five-member team of an injured has-been (Eric Roberts), an a-hole Texan who’s not even a good fighter (Chris Penn), a dork, an Italian one & of course… a KOREAN-AMERICAN FIGHTER (Philip Rhee) WHO’S BROTHER WAS KILLED BY THE CHAMPION (champion played by his real brother Simon Rhee). Hijinx ensue when this team just can’t seem to get along… until they play Karate Kid music or something & we’ll see how it all ends… now, I’d only seen the 4th one in the series (no tournament, just badass action) but this one is… weird… but hey, it’s late 80’s Karate Kid / Rocky IV ripoff stuff… Rating – 7/10 – Not the best, not the worst… just kinda meh… September 1 – Paddington (2014) So this popped up on Tubi… and I had to finally watch one of the highest rated movies of all time?!? Basically a young bear from darkest Peru survives an earthquake (his uncle did not) goes to London in search of an explorer that his aunt & uncle met back in the day… and he runs into a sweet family at the train station. Nicole Kidman pops up as a master hunter looking to bag & stuff this new specimen of a Peruvian Bear… and hijinx ensue. Honestly, I can’t lie… this was one of the sweetest & funniest kids movies that I’ve ever seen… like genuine laughter throughout… and everybody was great acting wise… and oh man, I hear that the 2nd one is even better? How can that be?!? Rating – 10+/10 – If I’m ever going to give a kids movie a 10+ it would be for something like this… so I did… September 3 – The Stranger Wore a Gun (1953) Randolph Scott is a former spy who goes to Arizona to join a gold robbery… but then he decides that he wants to be a better man & be a double agent or something… and hijinx ensue in this pretty standard Western. Now… I’ve seen a LOT of westerns recently living with a 70+ year old Alzheimer’s test case… but honestly this wasn’t really memorable except for seeing a super-young Ernest Borgnine AND Lee Marvin to the point that I was like “Is that… Ernest Borgnine? With color in his hair?!?” knowing him only from 70’s & 80’s (and Baseketball) movies. It’s kind of interesting with the playing both sides but… let’s be real, Randolph Scott would’ve just been popped after the first treachery. Period. Rating – 7/10 – Still just a standard okay western though if you’re looking to distract a 70-something for 80-something minutes… September 5 – Spy (2015) This seems like a movie that I should’ve seen in theatres… a spy parody from the writer/director of “Bridesmaids” & a bunch of other things I liked to that point… with Melissa McCarthy, Jude Law, even Jason f**king Statham!!! Well… I didn’t see it in theatres… or at home… and then 2016’s “Ghostbusters” happened and I REALLY fell off the Paul Feig train… but hey, I saw this pop up on Max & watched it… it’s about a desk jockey for American spy Bradley Fine (Law?) who’s capable but lacks confidence. Well, Fine gets popped in the dome during a nuke sale & the baddie knows about all the other secret agents (including Statham) so they send in a nobody (McCarthy) to ensue hijinx… and guys… holy goodness, hilarity ensues! This movie was SO MUCH FUN & there are a few times when the humor gets a little “okay that could’ve been trimmed a bit” in the typical Paul Feig manner… but not NEARLY as much as Ghostbusters. This totally explains why he got to do Ghostbusters after seeing this movie though… Rating – 10/10 – Not perfect but pretty damn hilarious!!! Have a great weekend & I'll see you next week!!! Steve |
Steve and Izzy
Steve and Izzy are the hosts behind the EILFM podcast, are BJCP beer judges and have terrible to questionable taste in movies. Along with the PodCats Pickles, Cameron and Poe they will justify why these movies are amazing Archives
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