Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
YES!!! We made it home safely from Las Vegas... and as usual you can hear all about it on the podcast (Everything I Learned From Movies) and our social media @EILFMovies... but yeah, watching movies has been a little difficult with all the busyness from doing more shows with Izzy to show off her amazing art (@UntidyVenus for details) but here are a few that we could squeeze in... October 20 – Interview with the Vampire (1994) Look… I enjoy this movie. It’s a unique look at the inner turmoil of being a vampire (Brad Pitt) who’s forces to live with his… friend (Tom Cruise) & then they adopt a kid (Kirsten Dunst) which leads to differences in parenting style & ends in divorce (fiery plantation) & then the story continues until the interviewer (Christian Slater) is assaulted. You’ve all seen this movie right? From the director of the Crying Game comes “Confirmed Vampire Bachelors”, beautifully shot, quite memorable in many ways, Antonio Banderas shows up for about four minutes of screentime… check it out… Rating – 8/10 – I’m just not into vampire drama overall though… “Oh no! I’m immortal & moody!” Get over it… 😊 October 23 – Winnie the Pooh: Bloody & Honey II (2024) In the first movie… look, it doesn’t matter. They completely retcon the franchise… because the first one sucked (3% on RT). This one though, at least it’s shot better, the kills are pretty sweet, the story is completely predictable yet also ridiculously dumb… it’s everything you want in a public domain Winnie the Pooh slasher movie, if that’s what you’re looking for. Rating - ???/10 – Find out as we conclude OctoBEAR on Everything I Learned from Movies!!! Or just watch it on Peacock with the kids… October 25 – The Care Bears Movie II: The New Generation (1986) Speaking of retconning a franchise, the 2nd Care Bears movie… IS A PREQUEL!!! Oddly enough… it also has a similar vibe to “Interview with the Vampire” as it’s two “friends” raising a BUNCH of little cubs… but then they have to split them up in separate kingdoms (for some reason) to save them from an evil entity named Darkheart… they grow up (in like a day?) and then there’s a story around some summer camp kids… and Darkheart playing the role of Faust for a bit… yeah, it’s an odd one that I saw a BUNCH as a kid… but what do I think of it as an adult? Rating - ???/10 – OCTOBEAR PATREON EXCLUSIVE at for just $2 a month!!! October 28 – Renegade (1992-1997) YES!!! The series you remember from USA late night about the framed cop (Lorenzo Lamas & his incredible mullet) riding the badlands (or mostly San Diego… sorry, Bay City) as a bounty hunter and occasionally trying to clear his name for the murder of his fiancé Vanessa… lasted FIVE FULL SEASONS!!! Over a HUNDRED episodes… and we watched them all!!! Quick summary: Season 2 & 3 are probably the best just because the characters are established & there are still ideas… season five is rough as alligator p*ssy… Branscombe Richmond is amazing & needs to be in more things… unlike any of Lorenzo’s various ex-wives who have key roles at times (Kathleen Kinmont was okay though but gone from the last two seasons). The creator of the show (Stephen Cannell) is actually pretty decent as the supervillain of the series Dutch Dixon… and I wonder why he didn’t do more… but hey, he created a bunch of shows & I’m sure he’s doing fine. Rating – ???/10 – Look… the show was dumb & for a while it was going to be an 8-9… but probably ends around a 6 or 7 and it’s just my jam of dumbness October 30 – The Last Dinosaur (1977) A billionaire hunter searching for oil in the Antarctic polar caps with the drill train from “The Core” stumbles upon a jungle heated by a volcano filled with dinosaurs… and hijinx ensue when he definitely doesn’t want to kill a T-Rex but would rather do scientific stuff. This movie is 100x better than “Planet of the Dinosaurs” which came out the same year (and we talked about on the podcast last year) just with being an American-Japanese production… and the dinosaurs are basically Godzilla suits… but yeah, this movie is a real trip… so what did I score it?!? Rating - ???/10 – DINOVEMBER!!! EVERYTHING I LEARNED FROM MOVIES!!! ALL THE MAJOR PODCATCHERS!!! Have you subscribed yet? Joined the Patreon at Well you should!!! :) Steve
Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Just a few hours until the big Vegas trip... but yeah, until then it's only the busiest few months of the year where I work & it wouldn't be so bad if literally anybody knew how to cover for me... or cared to do so... but at least I got to see a few movies... October 11 – The Care Bears Movie (1985) Yes, the first movie about the Care Bear plush toys… where they stumble down from the land of Care-a-Lot in the clouds, meet a few kids, and a magician’s assistant who stumbles upon the Necronomicon, and hijinx ensue when he starts unleashing an evil spirit because he doesn’t want to feel like a loser. Is it cheesy & sappy? Of course. Is it under 80 minutes? You bet ya! Is there a way for me to own a plushie of my favorite character? That’s the point! That being said… seeing the movie as an adult, it kind of delves into some deeper meanings than I remember watching it as a child. What do we mean? Rating - ???/10 – You can hear me & Bobby from the Grindbin talk all about it on EVERYTHING I LEARNED FROM MOVIES!!! October 13 – The Bear (1988) Did I mention that it’s OctoBEAR?!? Well… now for a French film about a cub who is orphaned… but stumbles along & finds an adult male (Bart the Bear) but there are also a few hunters with dogs after them… and hijinx ensue. Now this comes from French director Jean-Jacques Annaud who did some other “minimal dialogue” movies like “Quest for Fire” and the cinematography is beautiful, the animal performances are pretty dang good, human actors are great, but I’ll tell you… it’s not a movie for everybody. There are kinda slow periods… and you have to pay attention which is a death nail nowadays for some movies… but I’d recommend checking it out. I still remembered it from watching it as a kid in the theatres! Rating – 9/10 – Don’t want to watch it? You can still hear about it on the podcast… October 15 – Salem’s Lot (2024) We had seen the original TV event last year… and it was okay… but very 70’s TV with no blood, etc. and seemed really long at parts. Now enter the remake that I think was finished back in 2021 & they’ve been sitting on it for three years? Usually not a great sign… but it’s set in the 70’s as well (kind of has to be with the story) about a man returning to his childhood town looking for answers as to why he left (?) and wouldn’t you know it… vampires! That being said, THIS movie… the 12-year old kid is the main character. Thirty-something writer is just kind of there to bang out a secretary & drive the kid around in later scenes but that’s about it. Also different for this one is… there’s definitely more blood & violence… but it’s borderline cartoony violence (so could be on TV with a few edits) & not super gory just… better creepy cinematography & stuff. The movie is a little slow in the middle & some plot threads just don’t make sense… but the last 20-30 minutes turns into a cartoony violent eruption & I thoroughly enjoyed it, though I know most hardcore gory horror fans will feel disappointed. Rating – 9/10 – I really enjoyed it & feel free to check it out on Max this spooky season VIVAAAAAAAA VIVAAAAAAA LAS VEGAAAAAAAAAAS!!! Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Man, things just seem to be getting busier & busier... but at least next week we'll be heading to Las Vegas for the weekend... so that should be nice... until then, catch us this weekend at the Ogden Farmers Market AND Dia de los Muertos Festival all day ON THE SAME BLOCK on 25th Street between Washington & Grant Avenues... and at the Ogden Amphitheatre!!! Oh yeah... movies from this past week... October 3 – Furry Vengeance (2010) OCTOBEAR is in full effect… and this was an often forgotten Disney flick about a family (Brendan Fraser is the dad) who go to the forest to head up a housing development… but then the local animals start using guerilla tactics to get them to leave… and hijinx ensue. Half of Comedy Central is in this movie & it was lowly rated by critics & audience alike.. but… did we like it?!? Rating - ???/10 – FIND OUT NOW ON OUR PODCAST EPISODE OF EVERYTHING I LEARNED FROM MOVIES!!! October 5 – Boy Kills World (2024) This might be the Year of the Vengeance… with Monkey Man, The Crow & now you combine them with Bill Skarsgaard in Boy Kills World. Basically a young boy’s family is killed & then a man takes him into the jungle to teach him to kill the family in charge! The boy grows up to be Bill Skarsgaard… but he’s deaf & mute so his inner monologue is voice by H Jon Benjamin… and this turns into a video game movie real quick with action, intrigue, deception, more action, swearing, violence & action… for nearly two full hours. What did I think? Rating – 10/10 – I really liked it… but yeah, it seems a little long & the twist was predictable but… still, you know what you’re getting into October 7 – The Watchers (2024) M Night Shyamalan’s daughter directs this tale of a young (Irish?) woman (Dakota Fanning) who’s sent a few hundred miles into the Irish countryside to deliver a bird for a pet shop (what?) & once she reaches the deep forest, the car shuts down & she’s in some mysterious haunted woods or something… but then she stumbles upon a few other humans who stay in a structure called The Coop at night because… there’s horrible monsters in them woods… who watch them through a two-way mirror at night. Why? Well, that’s why you have to watch the movie to find out… place your bets on what the twist is going to be. Look… there are a few stretches & weird dialogue moments… but not NEARLY as horrible as with M Night movies, so I’m glad that his daughter either realizes how people actually talk or has a few people around her to help. The atmosphere is eerie & all that… but there are a few plot holes once the twists happen that’re never really answered… so what do I think? Rating – 8/10 – I really liked it… not great… but not bad… worth a watch if it’s your thing October 9 – The Country Bears (2002) OctoBEAR is upon us… so we watched the Disney movie that’s basically Blues Brothers getting the band back together… but with bears by Jim Henson productions! I had seen this back when it first came out & thought it was okay… really only remembered Christopher Walken’s bit part but… how has it aged?!? Rating - ???/10 – That’s right… check out EVERYTHING I LEARNED FROM MOVIES AGAIN!!! SMASH & SUBSCRIBE!!! See you on Saturday!!! Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Yes, I know most of you have started spooky season back on the 5th of July or something but OctoBEAR is here!!! So here are a few movies that I was able to squeeze in... September 27 – Prom Night (1980) Okay so… a masked killer is going around & killing teenagers involved with a deadly event from six years earlier… and… it’s during the days leading up to the prom… let’s face it, you kind of know who the killer is from the start… but there’s Academy Award winner Jamie Lee Curtis doing her thing, the bitchy blonde (who apparently wrote Twisters?), feathery-haired guys because disco is still going… and a few okay kills. If you’re looking for a slasher, you’ve probably already seen it… but if not, might be worth checking out for the strange characters that pop up in it, like Slick with the van… or a woman I’m sure is Michelle Trachtenberg’s mom… Rating – 8/10 – You know what you’re getting into… and Leslie Nielsen is the dad/principal too… just TRY to not quote Naked Gun September 29 – Ladyhawke (1985) Okay, this was a movie that I know I had a VHS growing up… but I don’t remember watching it then… just watching the second movie on the tape “Romancing the Stone” a bunch. Basically there’s a young thief (Matthew Broderick) who escape prison but is saved by the exiled former captain of the guard (Rutger Hauer) who has a hawk friend… but then we find out that at night, the hawk turns into a beautiful woman (Michelle Pfeiffer) while the captain turns into a wolf. They’ve been cursed… and hijinx ensue when they decide that they’re going to try to break the curse… or kill the evil bishop oligarch who rules the kingdom… whichever comes first. Look, it’s your typical medieval fantasy flick… and the performances are okay… even Broderick isn’t TOO annoying (though he’s definitely bordering). The one thing that I always remember standing out about this movie… is the soundtrack by Alan Parsons & its over the top synth techno whatever that just does not fit the story, the plot elements, the setting, anything like that. Normally I don’t even pay attention to that stuff, but it’s JARRING with this movie. Overall though? Rating – 7/10 – It’s okay… the plot is meh… Pfeiffer is hot… everybody does okay… just not much to it overall October 1 – High Spirits (1988) Okay, so an old Scottish castle hotel has fallen into disrepair a bit… so the hotelier (Peter O’Toole) has an idea to sell it as a haunted castle to tourists… so they show up… and one couple having marital problems (Steve Guttenberg & Beverly D’Angelo) meet another couple who happen to be ghosts (Liam Neeson & Daryl Hannah) and hijinx ensue when they start falling for each other… even though half of them are dead… man, this movie was… a weird one. Now, it had funny moments of course but… I don’t know… a lot of the jokes just didn’t hit for me? Maybe I’m not British enough or something, though THIS IS FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE CRYING GAME, MONA LISA & INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE!!! Rating – 7/10 – Not my bag but… had a few laughs… and Peter O’Toole is great at being over-the-top Until next time, stay spooky my friends... Steve |
Steve and Izzy
Steve and Izzy are the hosts behind the EILFM podcast, are BJCP beer judges and have terrible to questionable taste in movies. Along with the PodCats Pickles, Cameron and Poe they will justify why these movies are amazing Archives
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