Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Busy week as we adjust to life with a puppy... but we got a few movies in... August 12 – City of Angels (1998) Everybody knows this movie’s soundtrack… and the basic story about an angel (Nicolas Cage) falling in love with a heart surgeon (Meg Ryan) and that I think Nicolas Cage is the greatest living actor… but I had never seen this movie… so I thought it fitting for our 350th Episode on Everything I Learned from Movies… and I can tell you… I’ve seen this movie now. Look… for more details on how I enjoyed it, please check out the episode… because I have a LOT of thoughts on this movie. A preview… Nicolas Cage didn’t show up into this movie until there was about 20 minutes left & he became human. Before that he was on valium… and Meg Ryan deserves what she gets… Rating - ???/10 – Do you like listening to that Sarah MacLachlan song? Then this is the movie for you… August 13 – Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987) So… remember my thing about action movies? This one was recommended by some friends with the Grindbin Podcast crew and… apparently there was a writer/director Andy Sidaris who made action movies in the 80’s that were basically excuses for crazy action, topless girls & lots of guns and other random crazy sh*t. This was my first dive into his collection (but definitely not my last). The story is about an undercover DEA agent & her helicopter pilot friend (both of which are giant breasted blondes who we see change clothes in usually deleted scenes) who stumble upon some diamonds involved in a drug trade… while also unleashing a snake “contaminated with all sorts of cancers & stuff” on the island of Molokai (see Jurassic Park) and hijinx ensue, especially when dudes get thrown into the mix too. I don’t want to spoil anything but… it gets twisted & incredible… and rocket launchers. Rating – 9/10 – There’s such a thing as too much gratuitous nudity… this is docked though because some of the dialogue is wretched. August 14 – Prey (2022) When I heard there was a new movie Predator coming out… I was in. No more needed. Then they mentioned that it was starring Native Americans hundreds of years ago… my first thought was the end of Predator 2 (spoilers, it connects)… and I was doubly in. Then a few weeks before, they mentioned it was going straight to Hulu… so I became skeptical. Do they not think it’ll make money? Is it that bad? Remember Firestarter? Then in the days leading up to it… 95% on Rotten Tomatoes… and I was back in… and guys… it f**king slaps!!! You want Apocalypto v Predator? You get it… and so much more. Beautifully shot, the acting is really good for a little known bunch, the effects & pure action-ness of it all… watch it!!! Rating – 10/10 – It’s almost a 10+ but I may have to watch it again to really evaluate it August 15 – Trading Paint (2019) We joined up with our friends the Break/Fix Podcast to cover this 2019 movie currently streaming on Netflix… because it stars John Travolta & Shania Twain in a drama about racing… even if it’s the weird body funny cars that go around a 1/6 mile mud track 50 times so… I assume these races are wrapped up in about 10 minutes tops? Anyway, it’s a former legend father (Travolta) and his son who race together… until the son decides to join the rival team… and hijinx ensue. It’s 0% on RT and I can kinda see why… but still decently shot for a midday soap opera. Rating – 4/10 – It’s rough… but good to see Shania nowadays… I guess August 16 – Outcast (2014) It’s still Nic-August Cage on the podcast… and so we did another Crusades Era movie starring the greatest living actor… but this is really a Hayden Christianson movie where he’s trying to make amends from killing a bunch of people for God & Country… by doing opium in the Far East & stumbling upon a power struggle where he sides with a 14-year old heir & his… let’s say “of age” sister who are being pursued by their power hungry older brother. The directorial debut of friend of the podcast & legendary stunt coordinator Nick Powell… you can watch it for free on Amazon Prime, Tubi, Vudu, all kinds of stuff… I’d recommend it. Rating - ???/10 – Listen to the episode… but it’s 4% on Rotten Tomatoes… and it’s worthy of FAR more than that! August 17 – Road Games (1981) This movie is on Tubi… and comes from director Richard Franklin (Link, Psycho II, etc.) about an American truck driver (Stacy Keach) who’s driving a truck in Australia… and gets himself involved in a serial killer investigation… and picks up a hitchhiker heiress (Jamie Lee Curtis) & hijinx ensue. Now… this movie was a lot of fun… there’s some Australian humor that may have just gone past my head… but Keach is great, the stunts are great, the story is pretty intriguing… I highly recommend watching it. I plan on watching it again soon. Rating – 10/10 – Ausploitation at its best! August 18 – First Spaceship on Venus (1960) We watched the MST3K version of this… and thank goodness… this one was still kinda rough. Apparently it’s a German-Japanese sci-fi collaboration movie about an expedition to find out about an alien artifact found on Earth… from Venus? So astronauts go to check it out. Now, I realize it’s was made in 1960 so the special effects are not what a modern movie would be… and that’s the problem with the movie… it’s that it’s just kind of boring, even with the jokes. I found myself checking my phone a lot. Rating – 4/10 – Definitely go MST3K route… but yeah… Anyway, that'll do... be sure to check out & The Local Artisan Collective for some great art... and Tubi... they have free art. Steve
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Steve and Izzy
Steve and Izzy are the hosts behind the EILFM podcast, are BJCP beer judges and have terrible to questionable taste in movies. Along with the PodCats Pickles, Cameron and Poe they will justify why these movies are amazing Archives
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