Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Hope that you all had a Merry Christmas & epic holiday season in general... here are a few quick movie reviews from this past week to keep you happy while you're hopefully self-isolating & staying safe out there... Dec 24 – No Time to Die (2021) That’s right, the highly anticipated (at least three years ago) James Bond movie was apparently released in theaters… but we were okay with waiting… and now it’s on DVD so we got it through Netflix! The final chapter of the Daniel Craig saga has him going up against… what basically turns out to be a heavily scarred Dr. No complete with his own island fortress and the ultimate designer virus assassin. Did you not know that from the trailer? Because we did… three years ago… Rating – 8/10 – It was okay… Ana de Armas’ scene was pretty fun & action packed… but a lot of drama… and the McGuffin is omnipotent Dec 25 – Anna (2019) Yup, another Luc Besson female assassin movie for January’s theme! This one features real-life supermodel Sasha Luss as a woman who gets pulled into the KGB as an assassin & gets caught up into a world of being a supermodel by day & assassin by night. There are LOTS of time jumps, wigs, wardrobe changes, all the usual stuff you’d expect… but there’s also a fight scene in the middle that’s worth the price of admission & plenty of intrigue. Might just be a little too long… and did I mention that Luke Evans, Helen Mirren & Cillian Murphy are in it? How have you not heard about it? Well… Luc Besson got in some trouble around the time they were marketing it so… maybe check it out! Rating – 8/10 – For a female assassin movie, you could so a lot worse! Give Sasha Luss some work! Dec 26 – Die Hard (1988) We spent Christmas Eve & Christmas Day watching Christmas movies… so why not start with one of the best? Now I know there’s a controversy out there about it being a Christmas movie… but that whole argument is that it’s not about Santa Claus or a bunch of ghosts. If you want to be a dumbass about it, then all of those f**king Hallmark movies your mom watches aren’t Christmas movies just because they happen around Christmas but are about… mostly mental illness and/or poor communication from what I’ve seen of them. This one is Christmas all f**king day! FFS his wife’s name is Holly!!! Now I have a machine gun ho-ho-ho! The setting is a Christmas party on Christmas eve! Christmas music throughout! Case closed. Rating – 10+/10 – Alan Rickman is a good damn treasure & it was reassuring to see Bruce Willis back when he gave a sh*t Dec 27 – Jingle All the Way (1996) This is one of Izzy’s favorites… but not one of mine. I never liked the whole point of it being about getting a f**king toy or else his son won’t love him or whatever… and then it gets weird & violent & illegal about getting it. That being said… probably my favorite part is the underground Santa’s workshop segment because that’d totally be my angle with this situation. So what can I possibly rate this Sinbad vehicle starring young Anakin & a dad with a thick Austrian accent in suburbia Minneapolis? Rating – 7/10 – Not my bag… but I do enjoy parts… even Sinbad’s throwaway lines hit from time to time… like batting average Dec 28 – Muppets Christmas Carol (1992) By far the best version of this Christmas classic tale that isn’t about Santa or baby Jesus but is apparently undisputedly Christmas because it’s in the title… though it’s about a rich man’s battle with dementia & his own conscience. Michael Caine is a treasure, the Muppets are great, even the songs aren’t too bad because it basically fills it out to 85 minutes or whatever. Rating – 10/10 – Like I said, the best version of a classic. Now on Disney+ Dec 29 – Scrooged (1988) Possibly the only competition for Muppets Christmas Carol, this movie always gets me. I hadn’t seen the first few minutes in a while with the fake TV stuff that I love… but Karen Allen is adorable, Bill Murray is incredible, Bobcat bangs in his scenes, Carol Kane, great effects, just incredible. Rating – 10/10 – There are a few problematic parts upon rewatching… but still enjoy like no other. Dec 30 – A Castle for Christmas (2021) Netflix has been pumping out Christmas movies now… and we saw an ad for one that has Suddenly Susan (Brooke Shields) as a rich romance author who goes away to a Scottish castle where her grandpa worked a few generations ago, falls in love with the place, and buys it from the lord Scottish Robin Hood (Cary Elwes) and hijinx ensue in a rom-com fashion. This movie was pretty decent for the genre… and even a little sweet… until the quickest & most pointless character turn in modern movie history, seriously they were mid romance montage & then he turns erratically… but whatever, spoilers, it all works out in the end. Rating – 8/10 – Not my favorite genre, but I’d highly recommend it if it’s yours I guess this will be my last entry of 2021... so I just want to wish you all the best in the coming 2022 and beyond... and I'll see you later! Steve
Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Happiest of holiday to you all as we dive into this week's viewing pleasure... Dec 17 – Point of No Return (1993) For January, we’re diving into Female Assassin Movies and this American remake of “Le Femme Nikita” starring Bridget Fonda, Gabriel Byrne, Dermut Mulroney & Harvey Keitel and I hadn’t seen it since around the time it came out on video. You probably know the story: Good girl hooked on drugs, does stupid sh*t with stupid people, ends up “dead” and property of the government, trained to be an assassin, hijinx ensue. It’s not as action-y as you might hope for… and definitely not as R-rated as it apparently is (about two seconds of boobs and/or man ass) but it’s pretty entertaining. I also had a lot of questions about when/where this was taking place… and I’m going to say the dystopian future of 1998. Rating – 9/10 – Definitely worth a watch if you’re into the genre. Dec 18 – Colombiana (2011) Another one for January’s theme… and it’s from Luc Besson (like Le Femme Nikita) but this one has Zoe Saldana as a girl who’s orphaned at 7 years old and is raised by her uncle to be get revenge. I like this movie a lot better than the critics did but it’s definitely one of those movies where you kind of have to be a fan of the genre or the “Taken” or “Transporter” sequels to be a fan (same director). Rating – 8/10 – Not the greatest but there are definitely some great scenes and imagery… just don’t think about it too much. Dec 19 – Matrix (1999) With the 4th installment of the Matrix franchise coming out later in the week & Izzy not seeing the sequels, I thought it’d be a great idea to watch all three with her on HBO Max to gear up for the premiere! Now… I’ve seen the Matrix easily a hundred times probably as the trilogy (along with LOTR) was probably my dad’s favorites when I was living with him in my early college days around the same time they were new. That being said… the original is fantastic! It was a revolutionary movie with regards to special effects, fight choreography, basically turning the digital world into a psychology 101 class look at everything around you & as a stand-alone movie is damn near perfection for what it is from casting to aesthetic to soundtrack. Rating – 10+/10 – The stuff of legend, even on rewatching the only thing that bugs me is the hammy dialogue… which I also LOVE Dec 20 – Matrix Reloaded (2003) After the incredible success of the original came the sequel, which picks up shortly after the original (like ten minutes) and introduces new characters (remember Roy Jones jr?), the before unseen city of Zion, concepts like vampires, werewolves & ghosts being real in the sense of “rogue programs” and basically expanded this already extensive world. Fight scenes & special effects still pretty top of the line… but there was a LOT more drama than I remembered watching it this time… and then there are the truly EPIC action scenes scattered throughout… and an Empire Strikes Back kind of cliffhanger ending! Rating – 9/10 – It’s a divisive movie but I’m obviously on the fan side of the divide! Dec 21 – Matrix Revolutions (2003) This is where the story kind of goes out the window & gets really abstract with even more talking about concepts than doing anything about it. I loved seeing friend of the podcast Bruce Spence as the Train Man (check out our interview with him on your favorite podcatcher) but this along with the 3rd act of Reloaded is basically a superhero movie where it gets a little convoluted and all the slow motion makes this feel a little long in the tooth. Rating – 7/10 – That being said, if you’ve taken the ride this far, it’s not a horrible ending. Just leaves you with a lot of questions… Dec 22 – Matrix Resurrections (2021) So to answer these questions, comes the next chapter in the saga!!! Or does it?!? Well, to find out answers… since you’re checking out our interview with Bruce Spence anyway, check out our new Mini Episode where you can hear how Izzy felt about watching the movies without the history that I did… and how the new movie works into it as well! That’s Everything I Learned From Movies on your favorite podcatcher… Rating - ???/10 – Check out the episode… or watch it on HBO Max… or in theatres… or the bowels of the internet. Dec 23 – Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990) Our friends Hanae & Jayson wanted to watch a Christmas movie virtually with us… so obviously we went with Die Hard 2, since Hanae had never seen it… and I wanted to get her into the mix immediately with William Sadler’s bare-assed yoga routine in like minute four. Yes, the story is John McLaine on vacation and waiting at Dulles Airport to meet up with his wife… and hijinx ensue when terrorists take over in a pre-9/11 world. This movie is action & one-liners personified. Rating – 10/10 – Great cheesy action flick! Not quite a 10+ but a lot of dumb fun! Merry Christmas! So once again, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Krazy Kwanzaa, Hilarious Hanukkah and everything else! Hope to see you again at least one more time before 2022 rolls around... but just in case, a fantastic new year to you as well! Onward & upward, Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Okay, here's the next week of movies... Dec 10 – Terror of the Tongs (1961) From the Hammer collection again, and this is the infamous movie where Christopher Lee is made up to look like Fu Manchu as the leader of the Red Dragon Tongs who are a secret crime syndicate terrorizing Hong Kong in the 1920’s and basically there’s one sea captain who wants to do anything about it. Aside from the “yellowface” and random French-Asian sex worker who is gorgeous but not the most convincing actress, I thought this movie was pretty great! Christopher Lee is giving it his best & it’s like Frank Langella in “Masters of the Universe” where he almost singlehandedly saves this movie. Rating – 8/10 – Not too bad… definitely worth a watch with friends maybe Dec 11 – Old (2021) Okay… so we hadn’t seen this movie before doing our Stevie Awards on our podcast (Everything I Learned From Movies on all your favorite podcatchers) BUT this movie definitely would’ve made the three Worst Movies of 2021! The thing is… I get the premise… and as usual, the trailer is made in a way to make it intriguing… but then you remember it’s an M Night Shyamalan movie so your reaction is… Oh, it’s going to be horrible in the end. In particular, the dialogue in this movie is INCREDIBLY awful… literally kids walking around asking everybody what their names & occupations are… and people talk as if they have are staring down the barrel at the audience introducing themselves like it’s f**king “CATS”!!! Character choices? Always dumb. Plot twists? Ridiculous. The whole aging premise seems to apply only when necessary to a particular character’s issue but doesn’t affect the others & vice versa. It was rough… usually I’m having fun with these stupid movies but even the cameraman seems bored and would just kind of wander off from the scene every couple of minutes. Again, the dialogue… f**king woof!!! Rating – 3/10 – I want M Night to make decent movies again. Not even great, just decent. HE STOLE FROM NEIL BREEN IN THIS ONE!!! Dec 12 - Pirates of Blood River (1962) Hammer flick about a gang of pirates who sweep in on a 17th century Huguenot settlement on the Isle of Devon looking for a treasure… but also stumble upon an exiled son of the mayor… and hijinx ensue. Again, Christopher Lee rocks as Captain LaRoche (yes, with the French accent) and the other actors like Kerwin Mathews & Glenn Corbett fair pretty well. There are a few questionable character choices, but I really liked the dynamics of the captain keeping his men happy to avoid mutiny and motivations for continuing the plot… it’s a good pirate movie. Rating – 8/10 – If you like Pirates (and not just of the Caribbean) then you’ll probably like this one too. Dec 13 - Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) We had the (Robin) Hood Movie Month last February… and that was an experience with Robin Hoods portrayed by Kevin Costner, Frank Sinatra, Patrick Bergin & others… but I hadn’t heard of this one from the Hammer collection. This edition of the story had Richard Greene as Robin Hood & Peter Cushing as the Sheriff… and the likes of Nigel Green, Jack Gwillim, Niall MacGinnis and others… and this was pretty interesting. The whole premise was about the Sheriff and other nobles trying to confiscate the lands of fallen Crusaders while King Richard was away… and of course, Robin is the only one that can save their families estates… but there’s a bit of bow & arrow peacocking to be done first, of course! Rating – 8/10 – I really enjoyed it as far as a Robin Hood tale… not bad, not great, just good & great actors. Dec 14 - Daughters of Satan (1972) So then we switched to Amazon and… it thought we might like to hear a tale about an antique dealer (Tom Selleck) living in Manila who stumbles upon a painting in a shop with a figure that looks like his wife (bit of a stretch) and before you can say “Bad Blood” from a few weeks ago, he & the wife are swept up into a Satanic cult and hijinx ensue. This movie… will probably be coming up on a future month on the podcast… but I’ll tell you this, you honestly have no idea how it’s going to turn out because… you’ll have no idea what’s really going on. Rating – 8/10 – Coming soon! J Dec 15 - Night of the Bloody Apes (1969) From the Mexican movie master Rene Cardona who brought you the likes “Night of a 1000 Cats” and plenty of MST3K episodes for decades, comes the tale of a doctor who tries to save his son’s life by performing a heart transplant with a gorilla (though it shows an orangutan… then a guy in a suit) and it has the unfortunate side effect of turning his son unto a vicious killing machine! Oh, did I mention that there are lady luchadores throughout as well because… you know, Mexico? Rating – 8/10 – Coming this Ape-ril to Everything I Learned From Movies! Dec 16 – Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa (2002) Okay, this one was for a guest spot on Home Video Hustle (check them out TONIGHT!!!) and it’s a HORRIBLE CGI monstrosity with a surprisingly good voice cast of random people from the Black Power Ranger to Debra Wilson from MadTV to Mark Hamill for a few minutes… and it’s about a kid who “rhymes” and has a crush on a b**ch and they all learn the meaning of Christmas… though not really… it’s a mess… but it’s only 40 minutes on YouTube and the grandma is by FAR the best part. Rating – 3/10 – Seriously, just pull up the YouTube clip of the Grandma to see if you even want to try… but we had fun chatting about it for two hours on HVH. Christmas is just around the corner... but I'm sure I'll have enough movies ready for you next week... so until then, Happy Holidays!!! Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Apparently I was too hasty in saying that I wouldn't have time for this... because then I got my Flu & COVID booster vaccines the same day so... I had a day of rest to watch movies... so here we go... Dec 2 – Hanna (2011) Spoiler Alert: We’re starting off 2022 on the podcast with January’s theme of Ladies Come First… about Female Assassin movies… and we noticed a trend the last decade or so of female assassin movies with title resembling the Name Game with Hanna, Anna, Colombiana, Ava, Fanna, Fofanna… and so we’re starting it off with this 2011 chestnut that we had never seen… but oddly enough had heard nothing but great things about… and it spawned an Amazon Prime series so… we watched it… episode coming soon! Rating – ???/10 – You’ll have to listen to the episode for details… but yeah, check it out on Hulu. Dec 3 – Jungle Cruise (2021) I was checking out Disney+ for the first time in a week or so… and they mentioned that Jungle Cruise was now streaming. Basically this movie looked (and was) like a mix of The Mummy, The African Queen, Pirates of the Caribbean & every movie featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Was it perfect? No, the tone was ALL over the place… from dad jokes to cursed souls to fart jokes to villages exploding to prejudice against women & LGBTQ to being mowed down by machine guns on a submarine… but I enjoyed it. Would I watch it again? Hmm… maybe… the “Nothing Else Matters” score was a little odd… Rating – 8/10 – Decent fun film but… yeah, gets a little weird at times. Dec 4 – Red Notice (2021) Obviously we followed up The Rock with more The Rock… as Netflix recently release a movie with Him, Ryan Reynolds AND Gal Gadot… The Rock, Deadpool & Wonder Woman in a jewelry heist movie? Of course I’m in!!! This movie did not disappoint… it had everything that I could have wanted… sooooo much smart assing, action everywhere (though I’m turning into one of those “it’s all an obvious green screen so I don’t care most of the time” kind of guys) and just fun. Was the plot the greatest? Of course not… but I did like the twists & turns that came along with it. Rating – 9/10 – It’s on Netflix… and you have it… so check it out! Dec 5 – Absence of the Good (1999) This one was an Amazon dive we stumbled upon after “True Crime” that has Stephen Baldwin (the best Baldwin?) as a Salt Lake City detective on the trail of a serial killer… so of course I had to watch it just to see if it was actually shot here in Utah. My final analysis: Maybe half of it seemed to be… but I definitely recognized a few neighborhoods… and I think the same street that shot “Big Love” a few years later. Oh the movie has him as a Methodist which… okay, not Mormon? Then why set in Utah? But that’s where we get the title… and it’s a dive into abusive fathers leading to serial killers & cops (basically the same thing) but… it was okay. Not the best nor the worst that I’ve seen in these investigative dramas. Rating – 6/10 – Boring at times, the drama gets all over the place, and I’m a little mad that I called the twist jokingly… but not awful. Dec 6 – Project Grizzly (1997) Okay, if you liked Tiger King, then you might like this 90s documentary about a Canadian guy who was attacked by a bear a few years ago… and has made it his life’s mission to create a “Bear-proof” outfit to… I guess fight a bear? Or document it beating the sh*t out of him in this suit? They were kinda vague on what the goals were other than he & some of his hunting buddies getting together to document the suit & its contents potentially being destroyed. Now, it might be because I’ve grown up with these kinds of characters (large redneck family & redneck high school) but I enjoyed it. At first, I was trying to see if this was a serious documentary or some sort of Trailer Park Boys precursor but… it’s legit, just letting the cameras roll on an insane person. Rating – 8/10 – You’ll know from the description if it’s your jam… and it’s like 75 minutes long. Dec 7 – Knight Rider 2000 (1991) Our friends Jayson & Hanae told us about this TV movie for Knight Rider a few years after the series ended now being on Netflix… so we had a late night watch party… and oh man, was it great!!! Now, first & foremost, this is definitely not RoboCop! I just want that to be clear, okay? Alright… so in the distant future of 2000, a cop is shot in cold blood in the head… and their memory is replaced with a microchip… and they continue being a cop, but then they start remembering their past life & the charmingly balding man who killed them (played by Mitch Pileggi of X Files fame in this one, instead of Kurtwood Smith) and hijinx ensue. I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t this Knight Rider?” Barely… I mean… KITT is the microchip planted into the lady cop’s body (yes, I said lady cop) and I was really concerned that Michael (David Hasselhoff) was going to end up banging KITT cop… but more on that another time… but it really didn’t need Michael at all. I think this was some sort of pilot movie to get a spin-off Knight Rider series for the lady cop. It definitely had that tone. Rating – 9/10 – Drunk watch with friends… there are some amazing things that caused audible chuckles throughout Dec 8 – Scream of Fear (1961) This one’s from the Hammer Collection and I have to say… that collection has not disappointed in the least. I highly recommend it. Anyway, in this episode, a wheelchair-bound woman in her 20s returns home to her father’s palatial estate after being away for a decade after a falling out. Her stepmother who she has never met greets her & tells her that her father had to step away on business for a few days… but almost instantly she keeps having visions of seeing her father’s dead body around the house. Hijinx ensue. Susan Strasberg, Ann Todd, Ronald Lewis, Christopher Lee, all give great performances… definitely a great tense thriller if you want to check it out. Rating – 9/10 – This collection has been great… and I thought the twist was going a similar way… and then it REALLY twisted. Dec 9 – The Stranglers of Bombay (1959) Next was another Hammer movie set in 1830s India where a captain with the East India Trading Company is having a run-in with an organized religious cult of thieves who also strangle all of their victims, hence the title. Sounds ridiculous, right? BASED ON ACTUAL EVENTS!!! I looked into it… and this is based on the Thugee Cult of Kali… YES, the cult from “Temple of Doom” and the whole “KALI MA!!!” thing… except instead of ripping out your fiery heart in a PG-rated movie, they would strangle their victims with silk scarves. It also lasted for centuries, killing potentially MILLIONS of people!!! It’s where we get the term “Thug” from… this blew my f**king mind when it all clicked together! Anyway, as for the movie, it’s pretty damn good. My one criticism (besides the brownface) is that for plot purposes, nobody believed the captain about the strangling cult because… you know, that couldn’t possibly (old white rabble) and there was a LOT of plot armor but… yeah, I enjoyed it, especially for a 60+ year old movie. Rating – 8/10 – Definitely worth a watch, just get the Hammer collection. I'm also well on my way to next week's post so... prepare your loins? Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
It's the last week of November… and here are some good ones... Nov 26 – Safe House (1998) Okay… so we were looking through IMDb while watching “Christmas Chronicles” and the actress that played the mom was in this movie… and it’s billed as a late 90s action movie starring Sir Patrick Stewart as a retired government hitman who is now in the sights of a former general running for President of the United States!!! I’m f**king IN!!! What? It’s FREE on TUBI!!! DOUBLE IN!!! Okay, this is not that kind of movie… the action is honestly pretty minimal… there’s a comic relief character who is just f**king horrible… but Sir Patrick calls him out on it a few times… and it really becomes a journey into Alzheimer’s Disease ravaging a family… but does it end that way? I strongly recommend that you guys check this movie out… there are so many things you see Sir Patrick do and/or say in this movie that it’s worth the price of admission alone. Rating – 10/10 – This movie got me good!!! Check it out on Tubi!!! Nov 27 – Doctor Mordrid (1992) So we were watching the MST3K Turkey Day Marathon… and an advertisement for their new season dropped a few frames of this movie… which is essentially an early 90s Doctor Strange movie (like that’s what it was & they had rights from Marvel… until they didn’t & changed a few minor things) starring Jeffrey Combs as Doctor Stran… er, Mordrid… Brian Thompson as the evil sorcerer… and brought to you by Full Moon Pictures!!! Oh AND it’s free on Tubi?!? We had to watch this immediately… and it did NOT disappoint. Future episode? Absolutely… but in the meantime, it was a lot of fun & I recommend checking it out for free while you still can. Rating – 10/10 – Campy fun for the whole family!!! Nov 28 – Free Guy (2021) Speaking of fun, we finally watched this release from back in July I think… where Ryan Reynolds is an NPC in a GTA rip-off… but somehow gains sentience? Hijinx ensue… and it’s Ryan Reynolds so you know it’s fun… and Taika Waititi shows up as the villain… perfection for hilariousness… and it’s a bit of a dig at the “connected” world & video games… while also giving them a lot of love too. Rating – 10/10 – Definitely check it out… it’s like a live-action Wreck It Ralph but for young adults who can swear Nov 29 – Candyman (2021) Truth be told… I LOVE the original Candyman… and the first sequel isn’t bad either… but hadn’t seen the others in a loooong time but I remember them being hot trash. I’ve been waiting to see this REAL sequel for a long time. I even considered seeing it in theatres but it was during the Delta Variant scare and… well, horror isn’t Izzy’s thing… but she’s okay with just listening while she plays Animal Crossing. That being said… I highly recommend checking this one out if horror is you’re thing. It’s really predictable from the trailer… but still a lot of creepy atmosphere & fun. The one thing that got me was… there’s a character in the movie who’s an art critic who looked a LOT like Virginia Madsen (from the original) and the whole time she was on screen I was like “Is that her? Supposed to be her reincarnated or something?” The answer is no… so don’t worry about that. Rating – 10/10 – Hard hitting race relations stuff throughout as well… great flick!!! Nov 30 – Never Take Candy From a Stranger (1960) This one’s from the Hammer Collection and… basically it’s about a little girl who comes home one day after playing with her friend… and she tells her parents that she went to a rich old guy’s house when he offered them candy… and they took off their clothes. (record scratch) Yeah, it jumps right into that in the first 3-4 minutes. How do the parents react? Well… as most parents would I guess in the 1950’s, they first try to talk to the rich family… and then to the police. Okay, the order in which things are done in this movie are a little odd because… I guess a “key point” is that they’re an English family who just moved to Canada to be a school principal and… whatever… but the rest of the movie is about how holding the big rich family in town responsible for their actions is damned near impossible until… well, hijinx ensue? I guess? It was a mildly frustrating movie to watch because it’s so simplistically applicable to today’s age… and yet can be torn apart in today’s atmosphere as well… but it was 1960 when it was made. Rating – 9/10 – Great flick that I recommend checking out… but it’ll also boil the blood a bit too, so there’s that warning Dec 1 – Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) So… Martians are orbiting the Earth & are curious why their kids are lame and monotone while Earth children are full of whimsy & wonder. Television in December is all about Christmas and so there’s only one possibility… Santa Claus! He’s the difference! So now they snatch up two random earth kids for some reason… then Santa… and are off to Mars to change their society… and hijinx ensue! This is obviously for an episode of our podcast so… check it out on your favorite podcatcher under Everything I Learned From Movies! Rating – 7/10 – Not going to lie… it’s not as bad as I thought… but still kinda rough & oddly funny Alright, I think that'll do it for a bit... might not be seeing as many movies during the Christmas season so... hit me up @EILFMovies on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Patreon if you want to hear more... and you know we're at Everything I Learned From Movies on ALL your favorite podcatchers!!! Deuces!!! |
Steve and Izzy
Steve and Izzy are the hosts behind the EILFM podcast, are BJCP beer judges and have terrible to questionable taste in movies. Along with the PodCats Pickles, Cameron and Poe they will justify why these movies are amazing Archives
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