Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen,
Wrapping up May with a few movies we'd wanted to see for a while... May 27 – Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre (2023) FINALLY!!! We’d been waiting for the latest Guy Ritchie – Jason Statham collaboration for YEARS!!! “But Steve, it was in theatres” Yeah, so was Creed III & I haven’t seen that one yet either… same weekend… I currently have 17 movie credits to use at my local theatre (but more on that next week). Orson Fortune (Statham) is a special agent who teams up with a bunch of operative, including a movie star (Josh Hartnett) to find a McGuffin that’s being sold by a billionaire gun runner (Hugh Grant) and hijinx ensue. Now, I love Guy Ritchie movies usually… and Jason Statham movies. However, this one didn’t really grip me. Why? Well… yes, there’s the witty English banter like any other Guy Ritchie movie… but that’s really all that’s in this movie… and it’s not even particularly fun or anything. There’s also no sense of danger whatsoever… like I NEVER for a second think that ANYBODY is in danger from terrorists, thousands of gun shots, baddies in general, because Fortune is an unstoppable force apparently… even when everybody knows who he is a la James Bond… but his cohorts are too… including the movie star who’s constantly on the billionaire’s junk. I don’t know… it was only okay when it should have been great, maybe? Rating – 8/10 – Not worth the YEARS waiting but… it was alright May 28 – Torque (2004) Remember when they were trying to catch that extreme action movie wave in the early 2000s? Fast & Furious had come out… and then you got things like “Biker Boyz” & “XXX” and all those extreme sports & witty one-liner tossing action heroes? Well, this is one that we’ve been wanting to talk about on the podcast for a while because it was the most unabashedly blatant rip-off of Fast & Furious… including having the same producer… Vince was the bad guy in this movie… and they reference it like a dozen times in the 80 minutes runtime (including credits front & back). Basically motorcycle gangs, meth, Ice Cube is in it, FBI agent Adam Scott, throwing physics out the window before F&F even did… queue Nickelback… roll credits. Rating – 7/10 – This one is rough but… it was great to talk about with the History of Bad Ideas Podcast… coming in July!!! May 29 – Backcountry (2014) A couple go into the woods on a backpacking trip… and hijinx ensue as they run into a weird Irish tour guide (Eric Balfour) & the boyfriend destroys anything resembling a map because… don’t worry about it… so then they’re lost in the woods… with a BEAR!!! Now, I thought this movie was done pretty well except there was definitely a lot of drama… but hey, maybe you want to personify with the drama in a movie & it pulls you into the conflict. Me? I’m good with it just being two people who are in the woods & there’s a hungry bear… that’s all the real story that I need. Izzy did NOT like this movie… but to find out why… check out the podcast Everything I Learned From movies in June!!! Rating – 7/10 – Not bad… it’s a killer bear movie… what’s not to love? May 30 – Evil Dead Rise (2023) In this reboot/continuation (?) of the Evil Dead franchise… though really it’s just an exorcism movie about a demon taking over the family of two estranged sisters & the two kids of the eldest sister… oh and I guess the entire floor of the apartment building. Look, as a possession movie, this is pretty good. I’ve seen some good ones, I’ve seen some bad ones. This one is better than The Pope’s Exorcist really. However, it’s labeled as an Evil Dead movie… and it’s just a dark exorcist movie. There’s almost ZERO fun… and that’s the prime thing the franchise is known for. The gallons of blood too, which this movie has… but fun associated with it from director Sam Raimi & star Bruce Campbell, nowhere to be seen in this edition… so that affected my score. Rating – 8/10 – A good possession movie… but not an Evil Dead movie as far as I know May 31 – Scream VI (2023) The sixth edition of the Ghostface series and this time… he’s going to Manhattan. Well, the two sisters are in Manhattan now… and yes, all the previous Ghostface killers have been killed… but now there’s a cult of blah blah blah. Look, it’s possible for a meta-movie to get so meta that it literally crawls up its own a-hole in some sort of infinite loop of who gives a crap. Unfortunately I think this movie is kind of the limit for me on it. Yes, there are some clever elements thrown in, some decent kills & moments that are memorable… but 80% stuff that I absolutely do not care about. The drama with the sisters? Pass. The admittedly convoluted reasoning for anyone being there? Sure, call it a Red Herring. The ending? Feh… but yeah, you know what you’re getting into with a 6th installment in a murder franchise… even if it took nearly 30 years. Rating – 7/10 – It has moments but was kind of a slog… June is gonna be busy with art festival season kicking off (and that being Izzy's bread & butter besides actual bread & butter) but we'll keep you posted. Steve
Good Afternoon,
Yup, getting close to busy season on the festival circuit... so here are some movies we watched... May 22 – Fast X (2023) We got to see an early screening of this movie the Monday night before it was released worldwide… and as you may have heard, we’re HUGE fans of the series… but that wasn’t always the case (see our episodes during April 2020 where we went through the series). In this installment, the son of a drug kingpin that they killed in “Fast 5” (Jason Momoa) is trying to take down Dominic Toretto’s family (Vin Diesel and half of Hollywood). Starting essentially with the final scene of the 4th installment, this series has taken the step from criminal with a heart of gold drama to FULL Superheroes who drive cars… and the villains have to match them… and luckily, Jason Momoa as Dante Reyes understood that he’s basically the villain in a video game & went full f**king over-the-top & I loved it!!! As usually, Vin Diesel is probably the worst part of the movie (only competition is Tyrese) but he’s learned to surround himself completely with other charismatic actors & some of the most ridiculous action set pieces that you can imagine (you’ve seen the trailer, right?). So what did I think? Rating – 10/10 – It’s not 10+ but it’s exactly what I thought & wanted it to be… and now I can’t wait for the next one!!! May 23 – Forest Warrior (1996) So… Izzy got to pick the theme & movies for June… so she went with Bear Month because we love killer bear movies… and then she said we HAVE to do this movie… where Chuck Norris is a shapeshifting forest spirit who protects the forest from loggers & kids are thrown in because Chuck can’t have more than 7 minutes of screentime. Hijnx ensue. Now, yes, there is a bear in this movie… as Chuck morphs into a giant bear at seemingly random times… and I can get behind the “protect the forest” & “take down the rich guy who goes against the rules that his kind even made to get ahead” themes of the movie… but yeah, it’s pretty rough. The fight scenes are kind of funny in a ridiculous manner but… it’s Chuck Norris. Rating – 6/10 – Not the greatest, not the worst, it’s what they set out to make May 24 – The Pope’s Exorcist (2023) Recently featured on the Flop House Podcast, I’ve heard nothing good about this movie. Based on true events in about the same vein as the Conjuring movies or religion in general, but it’s about an Italian man (Russell Crowe) who is the lead exorcist of the Vatican (ergo the Pope’s Exorcist, not the Exorcist who is exorcising the Pope for example) and based on the dates given, this is one of his first exorcisms as The Pope’s #1 guy as he goes to a Spanish castle where some Americans have just moved in (what?) and the young son has been possessed by a powerful demon… and hijinx ensue. Now… I get it… the main plot of the movie is a little… questionable… but you know what kind of movie you’re going into with a title like this. That being said… I’ve seen MANY worse exorcism movies & I’ll give it to Russell Crowe… he did a decent job with the Italian accent & charisma to play an aging exorcist. Will there be a bunch of sequels cataloging the tales of Gabriela Amorth or whatever the name of the real exorcist is? Of course not… the movie flopped in spite of them planting the seed for 199 other demons being unleashed upon the world at the end… and his young sidekick priest joining him. Rating – 8/10 – I actually enjoyed this movie & don’t understand the hate. I feel like most of it is from people who haven’t seen it though because the RT scores are fairly high. May 25 – The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) Making a movie for a video game like this is difficult. It’s even more difficult when you don’t really take the original stuff into the movie & go off on your own weird interdimensional Blade Runner thing as we found out in 1993. However, this is about as good a movie as you can make with the source material. It’s a fun romp of two plumbers who get caught up in hijinx in the Mushroom Kingdom against the evil King Koopa who has a crush on the local princess. Is this movie made for me? Not really… I haven’t played a Mario game since Super Nintendo, but it’s still a fun kids movie & Jack Black does a great job as Koopa. Rating – 9/10 – Like I said, just about as good as you can do with the material used May 26 – Cocaine Bear: The True Story (2023) This is a documentary about the real life incidences that “inspired” the movie Cocaine Bear earlier this year. Honestly, the bear isn’t the story until the minute when it died instantly after snorting a few grams of cocaine. However, it is a 40 minute documentary about a corrupt Kentucky cop who was running drugs from Colombia and… basically they don’t know what happened exactly but his corpse ended up splatting on somebody’s driveway when his parachute didn’t open when he was making a run with 80 pounds of cocaine in his hands & dumping a bunch into a nearby national forest. That’s about it. Was he trying to fake his death (it was 1985)? Did something go wrong on the plane? No one really knows… and one of their Southern dandy experts fancied himself a funny man but… I must’ve missed the jokes. Rating – 7/10 – Just raises more questions than anything… but a fun look at what corrupt cops have been doing since the beginning… yeah… See y'all next week! Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Another busy week but somehow we manage... so here are some movies we watched... May 15 – Death Proof (2007) Often brought up as one of Quentin Tarantino’s worst movies, I absolutely LOVE this half of the Grindhouse double feature where we follow the exploits of Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell) as he uses his “death proof” ’70 Chevy Nova to kill groups of women in horrific fashion. Throw in a bunch of QT dialogue & stunts by the amazing Zoe Bell and you’ve got yourself one of my favorite odes to genre cinema EVER! Rating – 10/10 – Only reason it’s not a 10+? Some parts drag with dialogue (and 2007 texting exposition) and I’m waiting for the sequel “Lee & Jasper’s Wild Ride” May 16 – Marlowe (2023) Liam Neeson takes on the role of literary noir private investigator Philip Marlowe in this film from the director of “The Crying Game” & “Interview with the Vampire” and after watching it… my wife & I started to wonder… can a decent noir movie be made in a modern setting now that everybody knows all the clichés & nuances of the genre? Thinking back, LA Confidential did it well but that was 25 years ago with a host of Academy Award winning actors & filmmakers… but for every one of those, there are dozens of “meh” takes that… I mean… a beautifully shot but… the acting or the stories of whatever just don’t grab you or give you intrigue. This one especially… I honestly didn’t care what happened in the story. Some rich broad wants her husband tailed but won’t even tell the PI why… you know, to create mystery or allure somehow, but honestly… the whole movie I was like “Well, this is where I politely decline to continue investigations due to you bullsh*tting me…” but I know that’s part of the genre, which I’ve enjoyed! Rating – 5/10 – Just didn’t grab me & was really boring and pointless… but beautifully shot! May 17 – Winnie the Pooh: Blood & Honey (2023) Yup, Disney is finally getting into the horror genre… no, of course not! The copyright on the classic children’s book has lapsed & so it was IMMEDIATELY announced that this movie was coming out thanks to public domain. A bunch of girls go to a luxurious AirBNB to “get away from it all” in the 100 Acre Woods… where Pooh, Piglet (and others you won’t see) have turned into neurotic speechless killing machines like Michael Myers because… their friend Christopher Robin went off to college for a few years. Don’t worry! He’s in the movie too! It’s what you think… pointless violence, random nudity, story that with a few simple tweaks would be consistent & still terrifying, instead is just kind of a jumbled mess… and the whole time you just think “It’s a big guy in a bad Winnie the Pooh mask playing Michael Myers” and… his buddy in a boar mask. Rating – 4/10 – Was it a total loss? No, some of the kills were decent but… yeah, just kinda rough all around & obvious cash grab May 18 – Renfield (2023) Nicolas Cage + Dracula + set in New Orleans + director of The Lego Movie + Nicholas Hoult as his familiar? Absolutely! Sadly, we didn’t see this in theatres (lots of reasons) but we were finally able to watch it and… it’s everything I wanted & more! Nic Cage HAMS it the f**k up in a role that he’s always wanted to play (even pulling out the weird accent from “Vampire’s Kiss”), Nicholas Hoult is basically this generation’s Hugh Grant… but can also be funny, Awkwafina is usually the best part of bad movies & this time she was a great part of a great movie, the violence & humor was reminiscent of Matthew Vaughn, yeah… this may be the movie of the year thus far. Rating – 10+/10 – I’m giving it a 10+ because I want MORE movies like this! It’s okay to laugh everybody! There’s also a great lesson about toxic relationship buried in there… May 19 – The Adventures of the Wilderness Family (1975) This movie came up on a list of movies with bear attacks for Izzy’s June theme… and it’s about a family of four (and a SUPERDOG) leaving the city life in LA for the wilderness life of the Pacific Northwest on a whim and… hijinx ensue. Now, it’s a G-rated modern 70’s retelling of Swiss Family Robinson from the director of “Ice Pirates” & “Mac & Me” but… yeah, it’s a kid’s show. They even take in a raccoon & two bear cubs as pets… and there’s a big bear that hangs around too… and Buck Flowers shows up as a prospector or something… harmless fun unless some family out there takes it in the vein of “I could live like this in the wilderness.” Spoilers: You won’t. Rating – 7/10 – Bears are great. Animals were harmed. Acting was meh… safe for kids though May 20 – Koala Man (2023) This was an 8-episode animated run on Hulu about an ordinary man with a secret identity in Dapto, Australia… and he’s trying to enforce the law (mostly like a meter maid or something) but then hijinx ensue & he has to balance that with the family life… and he’s not a great hero at that. It’s a comedy of course… Hugh Jackman pops up as the voice of his boss Big Greg. Jemaine Clemente & Hugo Weaving are in it too… it’s not the greatest but a good poke at Australia. Rating – 8/10 – Check it out, you can watch it in about the time of a Fast & Furious movie May 21 – Magic Mike’s Last Dance (2023) Yes, the third in the Magic Mike trilogy with director Stephen Soderbergh coming back to finish the growth of Mike Lane (Channing Tatum) as he’s a man in his 40’s wandering the Earth after the global pandemic… but then stumbles into a relationship with a beautiful divorcee billionaire (Salma Hayek) & she flies him out to London to direct a strip dance show at a legendary theatre that she got in the divorce settlement… you know, tale as old as time. So he assembles his Magic Mike’s 11 (though past costars only show up in a zoom meeting for two minutes) to put the show on… while dealing with an eccentric billionaire hottie… and her pretentious daughter who won’t stop narrating during the movie trying to convince you that dance is the most important thing that has ever been invented or something… and then THEY STEAL THE ENDING FROM AN EPISODE OF IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA!!! EVEN THE CO-STAR IN THE LAST DANCE!!! It’s ridiculous… but I still had fun watching most of it. Definitely didn’t need to be almost two hours long though… we get it… he’s hot… she’s hot… they’re going to end up together. Rating – 8/10 – The last half hour is what you all paid for… Tune in next week... because we got to watch Fast X a few days before its release & we have to talk about it... but not quite yet, no spoilers & all. Basically, go watch it starting tomorrow night WORLDWIDE!!! Steve Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen,
Sorry I'm a little late this week... it's probably the start of things to come because my work & my wife fill my life with business & busyness... but here we go... May 8 – Croczilla (2012) The internet went out during a snowstorm… and physical media to the rescue for a bit of Tubi roulette… and we found a multi-pack that I bought a few years ago for a dollar that had 7 movies… and the premiere one on the cover was… this! Long story short, it’s a Chinese movie about a giant crocodile grown in captivity who gets loose in Hangzhou and the only people that can stop him are the man that raised him (as much as you can raise a croc), the local detective (who’s not that good at his job… like at all) & some random chick who got kicked out of a BMW at the beginning of the movie. To be fair… this movie was a LOT better than I was expecting. The frenetic pacing & style is interesting… even when the plot is pretty basic for the genre… and the CG can be ridiculous but… actually better than about 90% of this ilk. Rating – 8/10 – Subtitles may not be your thing but… I’d say give it a shot if you can take it May 9 – Piranha (1972) No, not the Joe Dante from the late 70’s that’s a campy treat. This one is from a few years earlier and is about a brother & sister who meet up with a friend in Venezuela to photograph the jungle, motorcycle through it and/or drink themselves into a stupor. Along the way, they meet a local hunter (William Smith) named Caribe at the hotel… and he offers to be their guide when they start asking about where you can find a diamond mine. Along the way, they realize that he may not be a cuddly character (even though they started as skeptical) and… well, the movie turns really dark when there’s about 15 minutes left. It’s a slow build before that but… yeah, it’s a decent loooooooow budget thriller… but then again, I wouldn’t be in the middle of the damn jungle with some jerk I just met anyway without a gun to his head or something because I don’t trust anybody so… the premise is weak to me. Rating – 8/10 – For a 50+ year old movie, I really enjoyed it but it drags at times. May 10 – The Mandalorian – Season 3 (2023) I’ve been saying it for years… and season 3 of The Mandalorian confirmed it… Captain Power & the Soldiers of the Future is a viable series in today’s entertainment industry. Why do I say that? This season has a bunch of Mandalorians in their mighty power suits taking on the forces of Darth Gideon a.k.a. Lord Dread. There’s a big one that I called Tank the whole time… throw in the super cute Grogu Baby Yoda & boom… the money rolls in. Rating – 10/10 – The story was a little whatever… but this is honestly as close as I’m going to get to a Captain Power series so… 10!!! May 11 – Children of the Corn (2023) Okay… so a little behind the scenes on this movie. Apparently it was filmed in the heart of COVID shutdown in 2020… and they’ve been sitting on it for three years… then just kind of released it with zero fanfare or promotion. Not a great sign. It’s the triumphant return of writer/director Kurt Wimmer who brought us “Equillibrium”… but also brought us “Ultraviolet” which was the last movie he made in 2006. Also, not a great sign. It stars friend of the podcast Bruce Spence as Pastor Penny. Great! The rest of the cast are kids. This… could go either way. You all know the story, right? Something wicked in the corn is causing the kids to do horrible things… or is it just a shared psychosis of these isolated farmer’s kids? Adaptation of the Stephen King story… relaunch of the series that apparently spawned a DOZEN movies. Here’s what I’ll say. The main kids weren’t horrible. The evil girl was by far the best performance… but as is tradition with Stephen King stories, the parents are idiots, drunkards & fodder… the other kids are okay… and the movie does the cardinal sin by showing the monster… and it’s f**king GROOT!!! The movie is violent but pointless… and honestly one of the worst constructed movies I’ve seen in a long time… but I love Bruce Spence getting work! Rating – 3/10 – “Old” is the last movie I can think of that baffled me at every turn with the choices it made. Battlefield Earth levels of filmmaking. May 12 – Deadly Eyes (1982) From the director of “Enter the Dragon” & “Gymkata” comes the story of a city run amok with killer rats the size of dachsunds in rat outfits… Scatman Crothers makes a cameo… hijinx ensue! Definitely not enough martial arts for the director’s repertoire… but it’s instead replaced with an odd romance between a professor, an environmental shipping agent, and some silly college student who wants a piece of the professor despite his constant refusal. It’s a weird tale of terror… and I enjoyed it but it’s not super special. The dogs in rat outfits is kind of funny though. Rating – 8/10 – Cannot complain and mildly fun just with how awkward some scenes get May 13 – Rampage (2018) Watched this movie in a special preview before it was released in theatres… it’s Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and a bunch of CGI creatures destroying Chicago & other random locations in the U.S. Loosely based on the 80’s video game… have not pulled the trigger on it for Ape-ril on the podcast YET but yeah… it’s exactly what you expect. Malin Akerman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Naomie Harris & others pop up for a bit… harmless fun… Rating – 9/10 – The Rock is too charismatic for his own good… May 14 – The Wild Beasts (1984) The animals at a zoo in “Northern European City” (Frankfurt, Germany) have gone wild & broken out the zoo causing havoc… but why? Spoilers: Though it’s in the trailer, all the advertising & any descriptions of the movie though it’s treated in the movie like a big reveal… it’s PCP PUMPED INEXPLICABLY INTO THE DRINKING WATER though only a few kids & no other humans are affected!!! Hijinx ensue. This is an Italian made movie… and so there’s a LOT of fun craziness that happens… Elephants on the runway at an airport… rats eating people & cats… a polar bear chasing kids… a cheetah chasing a car… lots of lions & tigers & hyenas tearing at dolls filled with meat… it’s exactly what you expect… and throw in some crazy misogyny while you’re at it… and a Stephen King level ending… Rating – 9/10 – I really enjoyed this movie… but I love Italian craziness & animal exploitation movies Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! Steve Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
We're back from Southern Utah... and we've seen a few movies... May 1 – The Lawnmower Man: Director’s Cut (1992) Yup, the extended 2+ hour cut of Lawnmower Man from director Brett Leonard is on Tubi… with an extra 40 minutes or so from the theatrical cut… and honestly, I really liked it. The whole opening portion is completely different with more time for the escaping ape in the beginning… and more backstory for Jobe & his living situation… and a more subtle transition from Simple Jobe to Cybergod. You know the story, right? Local dim 20-something lawnmower (Jeff Fahey) meets up with handsome mind doctor (Pierce Brosnan) and hijinx ensue with mind experiments & VR… insert questionable CGI even for 1992 standards… but yeah, I like the theatrical cut… and I LOVE the director’s cut. Rating – 9/10 – Honestly makes it feel more like a Stephen King story (though the real Stephen King story is NOTHING like this) May 2 – The Mask (1961) No, not the Jim Carrey one! This one has an archeologist find a mask (that I looks like a disco ball but in black & white?) and instantly feels like he’s cursed by it… and kills himself… but before he does that, he mails it to his psychologist friend… who slowly loses his mind… and every time he puts the mask on, we get some fairly decent 60’s 3D mind melting sequences driving him insane. As far as 60’s horror goes… it’s not the worst or most boring… but it’s a little silly at times too. Rating – 8/10 – Some of those sequences are kind of fun & creepy… not much else will stick though May 3 – The Bubble (1966) New season of MST3K had this one… about a husband, his pregnant wife & a pilot pulling off an emergency landing into a city… but it seems to be a bunch of zombie-like people… and they basically stay for WEEKS trying to find a way out, including digging underground, and hijinx ensue. This was like a 90 minute Twilight Zone episode… but not one of the great ones… one of the fillers or something. Maybe if it were 22 minutes it’d hit better but there were long areas of nothing. Rating – 6/10 – Kind of boring… but fun with MST3K stylings May 4 – The Christmas Dragon (2014) Another MST3K one about a group of medieval orphan kids who go on a journey with a poor man’s Jack Sparrow to restore magic to the land and SAVE CHRISTMAS?!? Okay, I’ll be nice… the two main girls were tolerable… but just about everybody else was questionable at best. I understand it’s not a great script or anything though, so I don’t blame them. It’s… even by Christmas movie standards… kinda ridiculous & not in a good way. Rating – 5/10 – Then again, could I have done better? Probably not… feel free to pass… or watch MST3K May 5 – Knock at the Cabin (2023) That’s right! Time for the next M Night movie!!! I think the lowest score I’ve given since starting this thing was for “Old” a while back… because it’s horrible. Everyone has seen the commercial (and therefore the movie) where it’s four “Strangers” led by Dave Bautista dressed as a Jehovah’s Witness talking to two daddies & their tiny Asian child saying that they have to sacrifice one of them in order to save the world from the Apocalypse… and hijinx ensue. What kind of hijinx? The hijinx you expect. “No way! You’re crazy!” Something happens to prove their point. “You can deepfake that! Screw you!” Tidal wave takes out populated coastline. “COINCIDENCE!!!” And it goes from there… that being said… Bautista & some of the performances were great… which is more than I could say for “Old” and most other M Night movies. So did I enjoy this? Rating – 6/10 – Meh… decent tension & great performances… but yeah, the ending is exactly what you expect from M Night… nothing good & makes any sense May 6 – Plane (2023) Pilot Gerard Butler & convict Mike Colter (Luke Cage) have to crash land a commercial airplane in the Phillippines… and then have to join forces to save the passengers from a terrorist group… and hijinx ensue. Is this going to be the Movie of the Year for 2023?!? Probably not… because Cocaine Bear exists… and Fast X is coming soon enough… among others. Did we enjoy it?!? Of course! It’s violent action with Jerry Butler & they’re already talking sequel!!! Rating – 10/10 – Not quite a 10+ but a lot of fun… and I highly recommend. May 7 – The Stunt Man (1980) We’re doing this one for the podcast… but I had not heard of it before doing research for Stunt Man movies (and of course this came up given the name). Basically an escaped convict (Steve Railsbeck) evades the law… and stumbles onto a movie set where the eccentric director (Peter O’Toole) convinces the authorities that he’s one of his stuntmen… and gives him a job on his next production… but at what cost?!? Throw in Barbara Hershey as the love interest & you’ve got yourself a movie. Look… I’ve only seen Peter O’Toole in a few things… and he f**king KILLS it in this movie!!! There’s also so much action it’s hard to keep things straight… and you MUST hear all about it on the podcast… or watch it on Tubi!!! Rating – 10/10 – I absolutely loved this movie!!! Great action, great performances, you have no idea what’s going to happen at any point, damn near 10+ More on the way... and thank you for reading... yes, YOU! You're the one!!! Steve |
Steve and Izzy
Steve and Izzy are the hosts behind the EILFM podcast, are BJCP beer judges and have terrible to questionable taste in movies. Along with the PodCats Pickles, Cameron and Poe they will justify why these movies are amazing Archives
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