Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Happy St. Patrick's Day & all that... and here we go... Mar 10 – Joe vs Carole (2022) This past weekend, we watched the 8-episodes & basically 7 hour Peacock mini-series that’s essentially a reenactment of the Tiger King documentary… and we’re actually going to do a Mini Episode about it on our podcast. It’s been two years since the nation was gripped in that Netflix documentary… and of all the proposed series that were going to come of it, this is the one that made it through… and I guarantee it’s because of Kate McKinnon (who plays Carole Baskin) and the funding from Peacock or whoever… because first & foremost, this cast is STACKED & resemble the characters almost perfectly, especially John Cameron Mitchell as Joe Exotic… but there’s also Kyle MacLachlan, William Fichtner & so many more scattered throughout this thing. It’s… obviously a dramatic interpretation of the events… but I do like how it shows both perspectives (where the documentary was very Joe-heavy) and if the subject matter intrigues you… I’d definitely recommend it. It’s just not going to feel like the documentary did though. Honestly if you didn’t know the events that were going to happen… you’d swear it was a horribly written drama on Showtime or something… but the tone’s a little all over the place too. Rating – 9/10 – Just to get this done is something that I appreciate… though I would only watch it again to share with somebody interested Mar 11 – Nirvana (1997) I was recommended this 90’s Italian cyberpunk movie starring Christopher Lambert… was I going to say no?!? Of course not! Essentially the movie is set in the not-too-distant future and Lambert is a game designer for a VR game called Nirvana… but he finds out that the main character of the game, Solo, is actually sentient & wants to be free from the game (or be deleted). What follows is CyberHighlander going into the seedy underbelly of Italian Blade Runner to delete the program in the central computer system or something. Now… the dubbing is pretty bad as it was shot in Italian… but it is quite the unique look & philosophy behind the usual technology meeting humanity morality tale that you expect. If you’re okay with dubbing, it may be worth a watch… and at the very least it’s a unique film. Rating – 8/10 – There were some parts that dragged, but I’d recommend checking it out. Mar 12 – King Kong Lives (1986) Yes, there was a “sequel” to 1976’s King Kong with Jeff Bridges & Jessica Lange… but this one came ten years later from producer Dino DeLaurentiis, stars Linda Hamilton right after The Terminator, and the first few minutes of the movie… are the last few minutes of the 1976 movie. This movie picks up ten years later (fittingly enough) where I guess Kong has been in a coma awaiting a heart and/or blood transfusion to cure him of his 100+ story fall from the World Trade Center (never forget)… and as luck would have it, they find a Lady Kong in Borneo… and hijinx ensue. This movie is… well I love it! The special effects are a lot of forced perspective of a guy in a Kong outfit & the story is basically what you would expect but… PLEASE listen to our episode about it this Ape-ril because Rotten Tomatoes has this as one of those 0% with the critic movies but… I enjoy it! Rating – 9/10 – There’s one scene of a Georgian parade that’s unsettling… but my king of schlocky cinema Mar 13 – The Book of Boba Fett (2021) Over the weekend we watched the Disney+ Star Wars series “The Book of Boba Fett” starring Temeura Morrision in the role of Boba… and let’s just call it what it is… Season 3 of The Mandolorian… or maybe even better, The Mandolorians!!! The first few episodes show how Boba Fett escapes his certain death from Return of the Jedi, lived with the Tusken Raiders & now wants to take over Jabba’s former palace to become basically The Godfather in his older age… but of course, hijinx ensue & The Mandolorian joins the series for the last few episodes. Does the show have flaws? Of course! That’s how you make it a series. Did it hit all of the nostalgia buttons? Of course! It wouldn’t be official Star Wars otherwise. Do we FINALLY get to see Boba ride a dinosaur in Live Action like we did in the Holiday Special animated portion? Well… you’ll have to watch to find out!!! Rating – 9/10 – I really enjoyed it… but it’s only like 40% about Boba… but that’s probably for the better given how “meh” he is for the most part. Mar 14 – Midnight Heat (1996) Also over the weekend, we stopped by a used DVD store & I bought a few action packs… and in one of them was this mid-90’s action movie starring former footbally star & “Stone Cold” star Brian Bosworth as a banker who gets amnesia, but then has to find out who killed his wife! This movie is… fantastically silly… and I had a few questions throughout the movie that they literally waited until the last 15 seconds of the movie to explain… and so it has inspired me to have Amnesia Movie Month on our podcast because damn it… that device has been used so well & so poorly in many, MANY movies… and I want to share them with the world! Rating – 10/10 – I recommend this movie so much! It might also be listed as “Blackout” but you can find it around on Amazon & stuff Mar 15 – Bullfighter (2000) On that same action pack was this “Western/Fantasy” starring Olivier Martinez, Michelle Forbes, Willem Dafoe, Donnie Wahlberg and a bunch of cameos about a drifter who was practicing being a matador… until his girlfriend put a real bull into the ring with him… and then SHE dies from getting gored… and he has to run away because she’s also the daughter of the local kingpin (Michael Parks) and… THEN this movie gets f**king weird & ridiculous the entire way. Now… this movie has potential… beautifully shot & edited, great camera work, great cast obviously… but holy sh*t, the plot makes zero sense & you cannot understand a single f**king word coming out of the lead character’s mouth (Martinez) and his French accent. This movie was rough… Rating – 4/10 – I’ll give it some credit for the camerawork stuff… but Jesus… Mar 16 – Konga TNT (2020) For Ape-ril, we were doing a 1961 movie called “Konga” and in researching it… I found that there were a few remakes with Konga also in the title… and this one came out in 2020 from the director of “Jurassic Shark” and dozens of other tongue-in-cheek horror-comedies… that all seem to get about 2/10 ratings on IMDb. We definitely have to watch it for the podcast then! So we did… and honestly… it wasn’t that bad. Yes, the whole thing was shot on a budget of about $30 with his family & friends in nearly every single role… and the giant gorilla growing at an exponential rate & destroying the city effects are done with a guy in a gorilla outfit & a greenscreen OR a hand puppet… but the music was pretty good & he obviously knew what he was making. Can’t wait to arrange an interview with director Brett Kelly to get some answers… Rating – 7/10 – Yeah, it’s not the greatest by any means… but it’s a fun romp & I love ape movies We're got a few interviews coming up soon as well... including the director of Konga TNT Brett Kelly, so be sure to check us out at @EILFMovies on all the social media. Peace in the Middle East, Steve
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Steve and Izzy
Steve and Izzy are the hosts behind the EILFM podcast, are BJCP beer judges and have terrible to questionable taste in movies. Along with the PodCats Pickles, Cameron and Poe they will justify why these movies are amazing Archives
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