Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
Here are the movies for the last week of March... and next week will be a little late because we'll be at the ART & SOUP event in Salt Lake City!!! Come buy some of Izzy's art... for a CAUSE!!! March 24 – Sweepers (1998) It’s a movie where Dolph Lundgren is a humanitarian mine sweeper in Angola… and his son is killed stupidly in the opening scene. Then years later, there’s a new super high-tech mine (that… I don’t know… waits 45 seconds to explode?) and he has to join forces with Claire Stansfield (with poorly plumped-up lips) to save the region… and hijinx ensue. Yeah, this was kinda silly at many points… but overall, obviously not a bad movie for explosions with mines being a key plot point. Rating – 7/10 – May be a future podcast episode… but yeah, not the greatest. March 25 – Batman Returns (1992) On our trip to Cincinnati we ran into a few delays sitting in the tarmac or whatever… so I watched this Christmas chestnut. Michael Keaton as Batman, Danny DeVito as Penguin, Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, Christopher Walken, directed by Tim Burton as he was purposely trying to get fired from having to make another Batman movie… it’s absolutely amazing & fun to watch as a kid or an adult. Surprisingly violent, a little crass, man some things are just so funny in a cringy way… absolutely classic! Rating – 10+/10 – Gotta start watching this one every Christmas with the Misses March 26 – Casino Royale (2006) When we actually got on the flight, I was able to watch a 2.5 hour Bond movie revealing Daniel Craig as the world’s greatest spy (though everybody knows who he is). This has been one of my favorites since I first saw it (and that opening scene? AMAZING!!!) but then again, I love “A View to A Kill” and apparently… that’s controversial. Rating – 10+/10 – Although I’m not a fan of P-whipped Bond in the subsequent sequels… this movie kicks March 27 – Raiders of the Lost Ark (1980) The first Indiana Jones movie… and honestly, probably the best (I really like Last Crusade though) and… damn it, Spielberg has made some damn near perfect movies (Jaws, Jurassic Park, this, etc.) in his career… but yeah, Indiana Jones hunting down the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis get to it… you’ve seen this movie & you love it!!! Rating – 10+/10 – Again, damn near a perfect movie! Watch it tonight! March 28 – Alien Predator (1986) (or also “The Falling”) Three Americans are doing a road trip across Spain and they get stuck in a remote town… and something is happening to the people in town. What ensues (besides hijinx) is somebody trying to do an American Werewolf in London… but the dollar store version… with a cute, dumb blonde in the middle of the two friends for… well, no good reason… but hey, it’s a dumb 80’s horror flick. Rating – 8/10 – There’s definitely some fun things… but a lot more confusing things in this one March 29 – Evils of the Night (1985) Some teens on vacations are kidnapped one at a time by two elderly mechanics so that aliens can suck their blood or something at the local hospital before… I don’t know, their time runs out? This movie is stupid as all hell… but has a cast including John Carradine, Julie Newmar, Neville Brand, Aldo Ray & Tina Louise but FAR past their expiration date. The entire movie made me angry because there’s no way these elderly mechanics are scary in any way… but yeah, whatever, it’s a dumb 80’s horror flick. Rating – 6/10 – Laughably bad… but still fun in that way March 30 – Battletruck (1982) After WWIII, the world is a Mad Max knock-off!!! I love this genre of movie… and this one basically has a general & his troop roaming the countryside in their War Rig / Battletruck & taking what they want, when they want… and usually about gasoline & women. Michael Beck (Warriors) is your hero… sorta… and he’s on a motorcycle… but yeah, the most impressive thing about this movie is the Battletruck & some of the stunts/explosions. Rating – 8/10 – I can dig it… and Mad Max: Fury Road found inspiration in this, I’m sure! March 31 – The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018) Okay, when this movie came out, I figured that a spy movie with Mila Kunis & Kate McKinnon as two random girls as fish out of water sounded like some “Bridesmaids” BS that I wanted no part of… but oh man, this movie is pretty much the best version that it can be. Basically Mila Kunis was dating a spy… and then she finds out… so she & her friend are pulled into an international conspiracy with LOTS of action & dead bodies in the wake as they globetrot more than a Bond movie (must be f**king nice) and there’s even some great cameos and… yeah, I really enjoyed this movie a LOT more than I thought I would. Rating – 9/10 – A few scenes are a little over-the-top stupid… but man, this movie was a lot of fun! See you in Ape-ril everybody!!! Steve
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Steve and Izzy
Steve and Izzy are the hosts behind the EILFM podcast, are BJCP beer judges and have terrible to questionable taste in movies. Along with the PodCats Pickles, Cameron and Poe they will justify why these movies are amazing Archives
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